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评论人:greatfool [☆专骂汉奸1450☆] [个人频道] [个人动态] 发送时间: 2022年09月02日 12:21:31 【回复】
呵呵 那你证明不是30万,还有很多学者认为是50万呢。 南京大屠杀后,远东法庭审核数字为大约30万,当时在中国的记者统计数字为30万左右,中国自己也说是三十万左右。 呵呵 你要说不是三十万,你就拿出铁证,否则你就去万人坑里面自裁,然后下去问问到底死了多少。 呵呵
日本: 《An estimate death toll of 300,000 has also been cited.》 Historian Tokushi Kasahara states "more than 100,000 and close to 200,000, or maybe more."[97] With the emergence of more information and data, he said that there is a possibility that the death toll could be higher. Hiroshi Yoshida concludes "more than 200,000" in his book.[98] Tomio Hora supports the information found in the International Military Tribunal for the Far East, which estimates a death toll of at least 200,000.[99][100] An estimate death toll of 300,000 has also been cited.
澳大利亚 The casualty count of 300,000 was first promulgated in January 1938 by Harold Timperley, a journalist in China during the Japanese invasion, based on reports from contemporary eyewitnesses.[107]
美国 According to the International Military Tribunal for the Far East, estimates made at a later date indicate that the total number of civilians and prisoners of war murdered in Nanjing and its vicinity during the first six weeks of the Japanese occupation was over 200,000. These estimates are borne out by the figures of burial societies and other organizations, which testify to over 155,000 buried bodies. These figures also do not take into account those persons whose bodies were destroyed by burning, drowning or other means, or whose bodies were interred in mass graves.[68] The most credible scholars in Japan, which include a large number of authoritative academics, support the validity of the tribunal and its findings.[8]
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评论人:xxiaomatu [☆品衔R3☆] [个人频道] [个人动态] 发送时间: 2022年09月02日 12:23:50 【回复】
: 是啊,30万只是一个象征意义的数字,实际可能更多也可能更少。



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