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评论人:同小桌学 [☆品衔R3☆] [个人频道] [个人动态] 发送时间: 2022年09月08日 22:45:35 【回复】
 回复15楼:you are so stupid. Satellite is a term used long before Soviets orbital craft. Nations get to name its astronauts, such as Astronauts and stupid Taikonnauts, but not to reinvent the term "satellite". you half dollar dumb ass.


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评论人:zwwdplay [♂☆品衔R4☆♂] [个人频道] [个人动态] 发送时间: 2022年09月08日 23:06:18 【回复】
'satelles' origin (Latin) is "attendant, companion, courtier, accomplice, assistant".
the word 'satellite' is first used in the astronomy:
The first artificial satellite was Sputnik 1, launched by the Soviet Union on 4 October 1957 under the Sputnik program, with Sergei Korolev as chief designer.
你能看懂么,你说的Satellite is a term used long before Soviets orbital craft,那个'satellite' 并不存在,因为卫星当时并没有发明,当时只有satelles这个词,意思是侍卫,卫兵,保镖,陪伴着,是苏联发明了这个词。
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本文热评:0评论:zwwdplay[♂☆品衔R4☆♂] 09月08日 23:06:18 8赞 0踩 1评  》》》查看0楼点评详情
'satelles' origin (Latin) is "attendant, companion, courtier, accomplice, assistant".
the word 'satellite' is first used in the astronomy:
The first artificial satellite was Sputnik 1, launched by the Soviet Union on 4 October 1957 under the Sputnik program, with Sergei Korolev as chief designer.
你能看懂么,你说的Satellite is a term used long before Soviets orbital craft,那个'satellite' 并不存在,因为卫星当时并没有发明,当时只有satelles这个词,意思是侍卫,卫兵,保镖,陪伴着,是苏联发明了这个词。

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