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新闻来源: 知识万物 于2023-06-03 23:29:40  提示:新闻观点不代表本网立场




India and China, the two Asian giants and the oldest cultures in the world, share a common prejudice - they do not like black people.


The following is an article in the British The Independent, which tells about the experience of African blacks in China and India. The author of this article is Ethan Taroor, published on May 27, 2016. The feeling it gives is a true portrayal of black life.


Just a few minutes before his birthday, Masonda Ketanda Olivier was beaten to death. Last Friday late at night, this Congolese national was killed by a group of men in New Delhi. The police stated that this incident was a dispute caused by renting a tricycle; Olivier's friend is an Ivorian and he said it was a clear hate crime, using racist nicknames multiple times.

就在他生日的前几分钟,Masonda Ketanda Olivier被殴打致死。上周五深夜,这名刚果国民在新德里被一群男子杀害。警方表示,这起事件是因租用三轮车引发的纠纷;奥利维尔的朋友是科特迪瓦人,他说这是一起明显的仇恨犯罪,多次使用种族主义的绰号。

This week, angry African diplomats pointed out in the Indian capital that the murder case in Olivier proves discrimination and prejudice against black people who visit and live in India. According to reports, Olivier was about to turn 24 years old and was teaching French at the time.


Strongly demands that the Indian government take urgent measures to ensure the safety of Indian Africans, including appropriate public awareness projects, to address the issues of racism and Afrophobia in India, "said Alem Tsehage, the Eritrean ambassador and diplomat representing other African countries' envoys to New Delhi, in a statement. They also issued a warning to a new group of African students entering Indian universities.

“强烈要求印度政府采取紧急措施,保证印度非洲人的安全,包括适当的公众意识项目,以解决印度的种族主义和非洲恐惧症问题,”厄立特里亚大使、代表其他非洲国家驻新德里特使的外交官阿莱姆·泽哈格(Alem Tsehage)在一份声明中说。他们还对新一批非洲学生进入印度大学提出警告。

Some African diplomats have chosen to boycott the event scheduled for Thursday to celebrate the history of Indian African relations.


On the same day, on the other side of the Himalayas, an advertisement for Chinese laundry detergent went viral online. This is shocking: In the video, a charming Chinese woman lures a painted and lascivious African man towards her. She played with him for a while, then stuffed a detergent capsule into his mouth and stuffed him into the washing machine. A Chinese man with a fresh face walked out, looking fair and clean.


This advertisement quickly faced strong opposition in the English media circle, and the Shanghai People's Daily emphasized that it was another blatant racism by Chinese advertisers, "which would completely and completely leave you stunned.


A murder case in Delhi and a cold video in Chinese cyberspace should not be seen as isolated events. On the contrary, they are a characteristic of a universal theme: Africans in these two countries face inevitable racism and arrogance.


India and China are the two most dynamic and thriving economies in the world. Their combined population accounts for one-third of the world's population. After living under the shadow of Western imperialism for centuries, both countries believe that they have found their rightful place in the world. Part of the reason for the economic rise of the two countries is that they have established strong relationships with African countries.


For Beijing and New Delhi, the African continent is not only an important stage for trade, but also an important stage for unleashing soft power and achieving broader geopolitical goals.


However, tens of thousands of Africans who come to China and India as students, businessmen, small vendors, and backpackers complain about the persistence of racism.


In February of this year, a Sudanese man drove into a local person in a completely different incident, and then a Tanzanian woman was stripped naked and beaten by a group of rioters in Bangalore.


Last year, an Indian publication produced a touching and sad video in which African students and professionals recounted their daily experiences of discrimination. It also includes footage of a group of thugs attacking three black men with sticks at the Delhi subway station in 2014, while shouting nationalist slogans.


A student in the video said, "I feel like I have a disease


In China, the situation is similar. In a report in 2013, an African American American English teacher told the story of his students complaining about the teacher: "I don't want to look at his black face all night," one of them said.


Although India is a dazzling home to a diverse, multi-ethnic, and multilingual society, biases abound. Africans, like Chinese people, experience arrogance and prejudice in the face of 'white people'.



As far as I know, the common view among Chinese people towards black people is that they are too black. Chinese people are curious about why they are so black, which does not include any racial discrimination. Of course, I have to admit that Chinese people do not think black people are beautiful or handsome. There is some news about Chinese workers working in Africa and marrying local women. Indeed, some of them do not want to bring their wives back to China because they believe that their relatives or parents cannot accept a black daughter-in-law, or that people living near him will look down on him.


Nowadays, the standards of beauty in China are white, thin, and tall, which leads to black people not meeting the aesthetic standards in the eyes of Chinese people. So I can guess the way most Chinese people treat black people: be friends, welcome! Whether to be a girlfriend or a boyfriend, we still need to consider!


But do Chinese people discriminate against black people? Of course not! Generally speaking, Chinese people judge a person based on their behavior and the way they treat others. From elementary school to university, due to the large population, I have many classmates. Do I like everyone? Of course not! Some of them are my friends, and we still keep in touch. Some people are not my friends, and even I don't like some people because they are rude and dishonest in school. Black people are also the same. Some people who are down-to-earth and kind have gained respect and career development in China, while others are not welcomed.


Do Chinese people like black people? It depends on the situation! For most Chinese people, we do not speak to foreigners, nor do we see many foreigners, let alone black people. Whether they like it or not, most people don't feel it. The government and media do not report negative news about a specific group. So most Chinese people have no opinion of black people, except that they are black.


Yes, I have to say that this common phenomenon occurs on subway trains, highways, or anywhere in China. That is to say, when Chinese people, especially those in rural areas, encounter foreigners, they will say 'foreigner' (Chinese nickname for foreigners). If a foreigner is black, they may say he/she is too black. For foreigners who hear this sentence for the first time, they may feel offended, but I can guarantee that when they say this sentence, there is no other meaning or discrimination, it is only their first time seeing a foreigner. They are really curious that we have different appearances.



As an English teacher who has been working in Beijing for 3 years, I have heard and seen many things about this issue. From the perspective of ordinary Chinese people, they believe that black people come from inferior cultures; Like many Asians, the lighter the skin color, the higher the social status, which also sets standards for personal image.


In ancient China, maps usually placed China at the center, hence it was called "China Zh ō NG Gu ó ", or" Central (Central) Country ", and all other cultures are judged based on their distance from the center: Africans, Latin Americans, and Westerners are generally far from the center, so they are called barbarians: furry, big nosed, dark skinned, troublesome, and rough. You will be surprised to find that this viewpoint is deeply ingrained in the minds and hearts of Chinese people.

在古代中国,地图通常把中国放在中心位置,因此被称为“中国Zhōng guó”,或“中国”,而所有其他文化都是根据它们离中心的距离来判断的:非洲人、拉丁美洲人、西方人一般都离中心很远,所以他们被称为野蛮人:毛茸茸的、大鼻子的、皮肤黝黑的、麻烦的、粗鲁的。你会惊讶地发现,这种观点在中国人的思想和心灵中根深蒂固。

Although many African Americans have had wonderful experiences in China, there are also a considerable number of people who have experienced worse situations. When I lived and taught in Beijing, I saw many black people who were not Americans, coming from Senegal, South Africa, Ethiopia, etc. Many of them spoke elegant French or Italian because European countries initially colonized their countries. Chinese people believe that they are too dark, too sexy, like to use drugs and alcohol, may harass Chinese women, and are too noisy or lazy.


I see well-educated black people doing well in the teaching circle, but there are also many people who come as part of the trade industry: shipbuilders, sailors, dockers, small businessmen, and so on - their behavior is often considered offensive, aggressive, or excessive by the Chinese people. Although I think it's safe to go out and have a party in Sanlitun at night, I must be wary of the black people I encounter there! Some Chinese girls may complain that they have made sexual demands on them. In addition, once they know your phone number, they will persistently call you.


I remember hearing Chinese girls on campus shocked by how Japanese female students seemed to hug the arms of large African male students, sometimes holding two to three at a time. They can't even imagine why this kind of thing happened. Furthermore, children seem to be afraid of black people, especially if their families have just arrived in this city.


Once, I came out of a DVD store and a tall, smiling black man walked out with a pile of DVDs he had just bought. My student's little sister (who went shopping with me) saw him and was scared to tears. This guy is an American, and he treats this matter with a friendly and casual attitude, just like he knows he shocked others, but he doesn't mind it. Anyway, the child's reaction was not surprising at all. Although Beijing appears to be an international city on the surface, ordinary people still stare at foreigners, point fingers at each other, and talk to each other - I often see this situation, but I have noticed that the situation is particularly evident for black people, Latinos, and Indians.



I don't think we particularly like/dislike anyone.


CNN has an article discussing China's so-called "racism" and mentioning that Chinese people have never seen many black people in the past because China is not related to slavery and the slave trade. There were some black people in Chinese history, but they were only individuals and never a group. Therefore, overall, Chinese people are not familiar with the concept of how to treat black people. They are curious and interested in different skin tones, but they will not have any thoughts until they meet this person unless they are influenced by others (or other countries).


Among the younger generation, some people may say very racist things, such as "black people are rapists and thieves," but they later admit that they have never encountered any black people in their lives. They left this impression from Hollywood movies or American television programs. Moreover, political correctness does not exist in my country. I think this is a good thing.


Therefore, we call black people "black people" because their skin color is black. Just describing the color, with no other intention. Meanwhile, traditionally, we do not like black. Thousands of years ago, it was a sacred color, but now it is no longer. Traditionally, we believe that black is an unlucky color (of course, red is lucky). So, you will hear many people say things like 'it's very dark today' or 'get your hands off it'. I don't think this is racism because it's our culture, and when we say that, we don't mean to target black people. And I believe that it is unfair for someone to boldly believe that the entire world must change and submit to certain new orders to please certain people.


We did not participate in the slave trade, and in fact, early Chinese immigrants were also treated as slaves. I think we should not be criticized for this cultural difference. (I'm saying this because some people say that Chinese people should stop doing this, I think it's ridiculous)


As for skin color, Chinese people do prefer bright skin (not necessarily white, but bright), which is another tradition in evaluating economic conditions and even social status. Unlike white people, we Asians, our skin is very sensitive to sunlight, and we are more prone to sunburn than Caucasians. They may need to use special serum or machines to achieve the stamping effect, but we do not need it. I tried to bask in the sun in Western Australia for 15 minutes, and my skin color changed from cream white to a simple light brown.


So, in ancient China, skin color could tell you how long you worked in the sun. Only those who have to work in order to support their families or make a living will work in the sun, resulting in darker skin. The concept of 'darker skin color=working class' and' brighter skin color=aristocratic or wealthy 'has been established thousands of years ago. This is an absolute tradition, and I don't understand why we must change our taste for bright skin. The reason why I say this is because I see people saying that East Asian countries like people with bright skin colors, which is so racist


Finally, I would like to share my story. Last year, I distributed flyers on the plane for a project for me and my team on campus. One of my team members, who is from Nigeria, joined me shortly after I started working. He is a bit shy, obviously this is his first time taking a plane, so he didn't talk too much to the passengers. So in the end, I sent out most of the flyers we had, but he didn't. This is normal for me because flying is about establishing short unilateral conversations, and he is not good at establishing such conversations, so people ignore him.


However, a few weeks later, our project manager asked us about this project and what we learned. He said he has experienced racial discrimination because when we are all distributing flyers, people prefer to take them from me instead of him. I didn't say anything, just sat there and said, 'What??'. I want to know, did he not consider me and my race when he accused those people of being racist?



I think this is just a personal preference. In Asia, dark skin is considered less attractive than white skin. Just like in the United States, being fat is considered less attractive than being thin.


I have been living and working in Shenzhen, China for about 2 years, and I can honestly say that I have never experienced any racism or discrimination.


First of all, I want to say that although I am African American, my skin color is indeed lighter. In fact, I have met many Chinese locals with darker skin tones than myself. I have never encountered the problems that most dark skinned Africans or African Americans face. But I have heard some crazy stories.


I know some dark skinned people who tell me that they are criticized every day. The children ran away from them in fear, while Chinese women hid from them. The locals pointed at them and said, "Hey, look, black people. These are things I have never experienced before, and I am black. I believe this is related to my light complexion. According to my girlfriend (who is Chinese), this is also because I am very handsome and I have a friendly face (which may be an exaggeration).


A Chinese woman once told me that she prefers African Americans with skin tones like mine. They are usually smarter, friendlier, and more cultured. "Most job postings prefer white teachers from Europe or the United States, but the vast majority also say," Obama's skin color is okay! "Most Chinese people are not used to seeing black people, and of course, there are also white people. So, when they see a black person, they tend to recoil a bit. Some people don't know how to respond.


There are many videos of Chinese locals staring at black people taking photos online, just because they are not used to seeing black people.


It is important to remember that not all Chinese people are like this. Most people are open, friendly, and appreciate all cultures. I have spent many wonderful times here. Drinking with locals, playing basketball and football with locals, and traveling with my girlfriend and her friends. China is a beautiful country, and you should not let a few biased and closed minded people stop you from visiting.




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