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评论人:ppplu [★皮皮皮鲁★] [个人频道] [个人动态] 发送时间: 2022年09月27日 9:54:31 【回复】
Police: When you were in her apartment, what is next?
I said, ah, you know, go to bed.
She cleaned the bed, and she, ah, ah, suggested me to go to take a shower.
And she said she can help me, I said oh, that's fine.
So We both went to the bathroom.
And she, you know, cleaned my body.
And then, I went to bed.
And she stayed in the bathroom for a while, I think she also take a shower at the time.
And then we went to bed.
We started (long sigh) kissing each other, touching each other, and then make love.
And then, after making love, we were both very tired, and sleeping, so we fell sleeping very quickly.
19  1 
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评论人:电光石火 [♂☆★声望品衔8★☆♂] [个人频道] [个人动态] 发送时间: 2022年09月27日 10:19:09 【回复】
lol thanks for the transcript.


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