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评论人:开心小黄人 [★★学遍古今中外★★] [个人频道] [个人动态] 发送时间: 2023年06月01日 21:59:58 【回复】
Can you stop using simplified Chinese. Make me sick. Fucking loser.
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评论人:同小桌学 [☆品衔R4☆] [个人频道] [个人动态] 发送时间: 2023年06月02日 1:41:23 【回复】
Do you realize how obnoxious you are? Mentally challenged, yet stubborn as a mule in believing your English skill. Floudering to contruct a phrase, and almost gibberish sometimes with completely butchered grammar,I actually felt sad for your retardation. you need seek treatment, or return to psychic ward where you belong with all seriousness. I often wonder these few days what attribute to your buzzard behavior. I can only conclude that it must be during your incestual parents' beastly sex in wilderness, where not only your biological father's semen travelled through your mother's vagina to the uterus, some dirt, grass or even insects travelled with it and all together fertilize her embryo...Here you are, a total RETARD....




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