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评论人:mistyhunter [♂品衔R1♂] [个人频道] [个人动态] 发送时间: 2023年03月24日 13:38:18 【回复】
 回复174楼:food insecure is not starving, stupid pig !
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评论人:mrweida [★★仗义屠狗★★] [个人频道] [个人动态] 发送时间: 2023年03月24日 16:47:58 【回复】
傻逼狗粮真能瞎编,看看你美爹USDA怎么定义 Food insecure的:
Food insecure—At times during the year, these households were uncertain of having or unable to acquire enough food to meet the needs of all their members because they had insufficient money or other resources for food. Food-insecure households include those with low food security and very low food security.
睁大你丫的狗眼,看清楚了“had insufficient money for food”,没钱买粮!懂吗傻逼!?



新闻评论原文:官媒称25%美国成年人吃不饱饭 网友:你们自己信吗?
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