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评论人:你说不说 [☆品衔R3☆] [个人频道] [个人动态] 发送时间: 2023年03月22日 20:54:39 【回复】
MR. KIRBY: I — I don’t know of another military in the world, another air force in the world that would award a pilot for smashing into a drone. If that’s bravery, then I guess they got a different — a different definition of it. It’s ludicrous. It’s insulting.
Now, we don’t know whether that pilot was trying to intentionally ram that drone or not, but he did. Video evidence was pretty conclusive. Either way, I mean, in the — in the — in the Navy I grew up in, you don’t want to hit anything. Hitting anything is bad for you. So, like, I –- I –- I –- I’m sorry, I just — I got to throw the flag on this one. I have no clue why they would give a bravery award to a pilot who was, at worst, maliciously putting himself and U.S. property at great risk and, at best, just an idiot.
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