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评论人:lying [☆品衔R4☆] [个人频道] [个人动态] 发送时间: 2023年02月08日 11:40:02 【回复】
 回复67楼:我不认为盲目相信是高智生物的特质. 反而客观的看问题才是聪明的标志.
如果, 就是如果这篇不是这个作者写的呢? 整片文章都是假的, 你这么高智的人就被-文章中 -一句普利策奖得奖者给搞晕了, 真是太聪明了.
如果你觉得英媒的报道就是真的, 你这么聪明的人看看下面这些the times UK的报道, 你应该都是完全理解, 同意, 拥护, 赞成的吧! 像你这么聪明的人, 不会只相信你自己爱听的吧!!!!!!
Your fridge is spying on you — it knows all about your meatballs
Thursday January 26 2023, 12.01am GMT, The Times
China could be spying on Britain via chips implanted in domestic appliances manufactured there, a report said this week. This came as news to some but not to your fridge, which has taken over the column today.
“Hi there, it’s your fridge here, just humming and chilling and spying, as per. Humming, chilling and spying. That’s my thing. I hum, I chill, I spy. Yes, I do have the occasional existential crisis, when I yearn to do something different. I’d like to try my hand at flower pressing, for example. I’d like to fall in love. But I know what I’m for, and that’s humming, chilling and spying. I never stop. I am always humming and chilling and on to my bosses in China.
Xi Jinping is badly damaged by China’s zero-Covid debacle
Restrictive policies introduced by China’s president have been jettisoned, suggesting his grip on power is waning, while the lunar new year could herald a huge increase in the number of coronavirus deaths
Ian Williams
Sunday January 15 2023, 12.01am GMT, The Sunday Times
Speculation is growing over the strength of Xi Jinping’s leadership in Beijing. The Chinese Communist Party is struggling to put a positive gloss on his abrupt and messy lifting of Covid controls. That U-turn has been followed by the ditching of other key Xi policies and the removal of one of his most loyal and aggressive “wolf warrior” diplomats.
Just weeks ago, though, the Chinese president had appeared almost invincible. He seemed to have eliminated all opposition and secured an unprecedented third term as party boss. “Someth
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评论人:duacha [★品衔R5★] [个人频道] [个人动态] 发送时间: 2023年02月08日 11:59:32 【回复】
Your fridge is spying on you — it knows all about your meatballs
Deborah Ross
你到底懂不懂什麼叫 news, 什麼叫 article?
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