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评论人:意见没 [★品衔R6★] [个人频道] [个人动态] 发送时间: 2023年01月28日 0:47:34 【回复】
China Acquiring New Weapons Five Times Faster, for Chinese Supersonic and Hypersonic Weapons
Jan 26, 2023
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评论人:诚聘板主 [★★声望品衔9★★] [个人频道] [个人动态] 发送时间: 2023年01月28日 0:59:02 【回复】
As a mortarman, I can tell you a couple things.
These things are (obviously) in accurate as shit. Mortars are an “area” weapons system only to a point, like a hand grenade. It still has to be with in a fairly small distance of the target to be effective.
They aren’t shooting far. Using a tube with no baseplate like that will severely limit the range of the rounds. Just like any other munition the higher pressure rounds need the baseplate and a bipod to keep the cannon from sinking a foot into the ground every shot. Plus you can break your hands even using a 60mm past charge 1-2. If the base of this thing hits a rock it’s just going to damage the cannon over time aswell.
I’ve seen a 120 break it’s baseplate hitting a rock, sure it’s a bigger gun but the baseplate weighs 136lbs alone and it broke.
這些東西(顯然)準確得一塌糊塗。 迫擊砲只是在一定程度上是一種“區域”武器系統,就像手榴彈一樣。 它仍然必須與目標保持相當小的距離才能有效。
他們並沒有射得很遠。 使用像這樣沒有底板的管子會嚴重限制子彈的射程。 就像任何其他彈藥一樣,高壓砲彈需要底板和兩腳架,以防止大砲每次射擊時腳都沉入地面。 另外,即使使用 60 毫米過去充電 1-2,您也可以打破您的手。 如果這個東西的底部撞到一塊岩石,隨著時間的推移它也會損壞大砲。
我見過 120 次斷裂,它的底板撞到了一塊石頭,當然這是一把更大的槍,但底板本身就重 136 磅而且它壞了。
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