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评论人:bc007 [★KO舔狗★] [个人频道] [个人动态] 发送时间: 2023年01月16日 14:34:06 【回复】
一次调多了,美国主子不高兴。 -- 你是说中国经济会大涨妈??!!
“This is largely driven by the 1.0pp increase in our China growth prediction to 4.8% from last week, but also reflects a 0.7pp increase for the euro area (to -0.1%, largely on a much better Germany) forecasts, and, to lesser extent, upgrades of 0.2pp for the US (to 0.6%), Japan (to 1.0%) and the UK (-0.7%),” said Barclays Head of Economic Research Christian Keller.
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评论人:bc007 [★KO舔狗★] [个人频道] [个人动态] 发送时间: 2023年01月16日 14:38:08 【回复】
仅仅一个月开放, 中国经济就被他们预测增长多了1%!
After China’s reopening and a deluge of positive data surprises in recent weeks, economists are upgrading their previously gloomy outlooks for the global economy.


新闻评论原文:费加罗报:中国经济停止不前 是习近平自作自受(图)
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