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评论人:lala2022 [品衔R1] [个人频道] [个人动态] 发送时间: 2022年09月22日 13:11:54 【回复】
你确定只有23%吗? 房地产周边的产业呢? 建材产业,家居产业,物业产业,维护产业,中介公司等等。你觉得房地产倒了,他们怎么办? 这还不算多少人失业后,影响消费能力。
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评论人:jeffinvade [★品衔R6★] [个人频道] [个人动态] 发送时间: 2022年09月22日 13:19:46 【回复】
Goldman Sachs, point to a «broad measure» of China’s real estate sector of between 18% and 30% of GDP. A more precise measure could be around 23% by excluding, for instance, infrastructure, which accounts for 7% of GDP. On the other hand, excluding real estate services (which are not fully included in our measure of final demand) would lead to an estimate of around 18% of GDP.


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