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评论人:kankantw [★周深大爷★] [个人频道] [个人动态] 发送时间: 2022年06月24日 4:01:35 【回复】
这个 Little One 还tm的胆大妄为,主动挑衅俄罗斯,也敢跟欧盟官员叫板了,小立国前几天号称是被动执行欧盟的制裁,小立国总理今天说:新的欧盟指导意见 不是欧盟法律,不会执行。见欧盟政治网:

The Commission, officials said, is now updating that information. “We are in close touch with the Lithuanian authorities and will provide additional guidance,” Commission spokesman Eric Mamer tweeted Wednesday.
Mamer added that Lithuania “has to apply additional checks on road and rail transit” through EU territory, but “these checks are focused, proportionate and effective.

But Lithuanian Prime Minister Ingrida Šimonytė said the transit ban on steel and ferrous metal through the EU is part of the bloc’s sanctions, ….
“As foreseen in the fourth package of EU sanctions, …, the EU’s restrictive measures on … steel and … definitively entered into force on 17 June 2022,” she said.…
Despite Vilnius and Brussels taking apparently contradictory positions, officials insisted that isn’t the case, because the sanctions were never meant to blockade Kaliningrad, ….
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评论人:kankantw [★周深大爷★] [个人频道] [个人动态] 发送时间: 2022年06月24日 4:06:49 【回复】


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