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[17楼]评论人:berniceying [♀☆小丫头片子☆♀] [个人频道] [个人动态] 发送时间: 2020年04月07日 17:32:23 【回复】
[16楼]评论人:berniceying [♀☆小丫头片子☆♀] [个人频道] [个人动态] 发送时间: 2020年04月07日 17:31:02 【回复】
[15楼]评论人:w16982001 [品衔R1] [个人频道] [个人动态] 发送时间: 2020年04月07日 15:15:55 【回复】
你看看2015年发表于Nature Medicine paper.
A SARS-like cluster of circulating bat coronaviruses shows potential for human emergence
Vineet D Menachery1, Boyd L Yount Jr1, Kari Debbink1,2, Sudhakar Agnihothram3, Lisa E Gralinski1, Jessica A Plante1, Rachel L Graham1, Trevor Scobey1, Xing-Yi Ge4, Eric F Donaldson1, Scott H Randell5,6, Antonio Lanzavecchia7, Wayne A Marasco8,9, Zhengli-Li Shi4 & Ralph S Baric1,2
[14楼]评论人:w16982001 [品衔R1] [个人频道] [个人动态] 发送时间: 2020年04月07日 15:13:56 【回复】
[13楼]评论人:炼狱人间 [布衣] [个人频道] [个人动态] 发送时间: 2020年04月07日 13:27:44 【回复】
怎么还那么多白痴相信新冠病毒是人为制造,如果是、那些世界各国顶级生物学家早就检查出来公诸于世了、只有那些垃圾小众媒体到处给一些唯恐天下不乱的人洗脑。难道那些世界顶级生物学专家比你们这些人还傻 。醒醒吧舔洋狗


5  2  
[12楼]评论人:tuitui [☆★声望品衔7★☆] [个人频道] [个人动态] 发送时间: 2020年04月07日 13:11:17 【回复】


[11楼]评论人:park5.5.5 [★品衔R6★] [个人频道] [个人动态] 发送时间: 2020年04月07日 12:52:03 【回复】

[10楼]评论人:剁吊老汪 [品衔R2☆] [个人频道] [个人动态] 发送时间: 2020年04月07日 11:07:28 【回复】
1  1  
[9楼]评论人:雨鱼 [♂★细雨鱼儿出★♂] [个人频道] [个人动态] 发送时间: 2020年04月07日 11:06:49 【回复】


[8楼]评论人:TKLT [布衣] [个人频道] [个人动态] 发送时间: 2020年04月07日 10:30:57 【回复】
給全世界人民 群体滅疫 群体免疫 兩個月終止疫症
但要加上群体滅疫。 方案是 群体滅疫 群体免疫
新飞跃™噴洒消毒液 預防 治疗 新冠肺炎 特效 新方法
我們的發明專利的應用權 免費贈送給 世界各國 疫區
接受新冠狀病毒肺炎病人的医院和政府机構,制作{医疗机构制剂} ,
用於 預防 治療 新冠狀病毒肺炎 群体滅疫 群体免疫
各种 病毒肺炎 及流感 品种繁多,生物学变异可产生新种,令疫苗减效。一旦发病疫苗无效,病毒人传人大流行。对策: 1病毒最初入侵、繁殖地,人的 鼻腔 鼻咽腔 口腔 喉腔的粘膜,喷洒新飞跃™噴洒消毒液,杀灭病毒。2公共塲所设空气滤过消毒器或雾霾净化器,内置新飞跃™噴洒消毒液,溶解杀灭各种病毒及细菌。3公共场所 医院病人多地方,戴上外层喷上新飞跃™噴洒消毒液的口罩。4新冠狀病毒是滤过性病毒可透过我国现时的口罩。5现时各国用於治疗病毒疾病患者的药物是抑制剂,尚无杀灭病毒的治疗药物。
AND ITS USAGE 】【使病原體及病變組織溶解消除的藥物組合物及用法】
专利证书NO.:中国ZL.2007 1 0031362.7美国US10,925B2歐盟27国UP 2422793A1
新飞跃™噴洒消毒液成份 重量比:大黄素0.5,氢氧化钠0.5,苯甲醇3.0,纯化水至100。
具有新成份、新消毒原理、新消毒效果的創新消毒劑,能即时溶解、杀灭 各种 病原体:病毒 细菌 真菌.不论其DNA RNA属于何种类型,变异与否,均不抗拒其溶解、消除的 作用。
新飞跃™噴洒消毒液 在2015年2017年,先後二次在 锺南山院士的广州呼研所医药科技有限公司 做对病毒杀灭作用测试,5分钟对流感病毒及庖疹病毒有杀灭作用。广东省微生物分析检测中心报告新飞跃™噴洒消毒液对大肠杆菌、金葡菌、白色念珠菌杀菌率大于99.99%.
SARS、新冠狀病毒、流感病毒, 感染病人全身重要器官,通过功能性受体 激活感染病毒的细胞,产生并释放过量的前炎症因子,由此引起 免疫介导 的肺损伤以及其它器官损伤,能导致全身多器官功能衰竭令病人死亡。
新飞跃™噴洒消毒液成份中的大黄素及其特殊配方,能溶解消除 一切病毒及病菌,同時抑制 令器官衰竭病人死亡的免疫反应,一举两得。
新飞跃™噴洒消毒液,用於疫苗無效及已发病之流感病人,口鼻咽 喉 用消毒液各喷一下,随後深呼吸几次,把消毒液之气雾,吸入气管和肺,杀灭流感病毒,喉痛 鼻塞 喘咳呼吸阻塞..等等症状 ..五分钟 开始解除 胜过现有方法,具有立杆見影效果!
本品适用 预防者 接触者 及潜伏期 早期 中期 病例。
危重病人 应采用 综合抢救措施!
联系我们 海金湾新飞跃医药有限公司董事长 谭国樑2020-4-6
E-mail: dr.kltam@gmail.com Phone:853 2833 5694
广州三环专利商标代理有限公司珠海分公司 总经理温镜满 手机及電郵:137 09695899
[7楼]评论人:TKLT [布衣] [个人频道] [个人动态] 发送时间: 2020年04月07日 10:29:59 【回复】
5. At present, the drugs used to treat patients with viral diseases in various countries are inhibitors, and there are no drugs to kill viruses.
New Leap ™ Spraying Disinfect ant Main Ingredients from譚國樑 譚曉雯 譚曉睛
Patent certificateNO:ZL.2007 1 0031362.7、US 10,925B2、UP 2422793B1
Won the special gold award of China International Patent and Famous Brand Expo 2011 Won the 2013 [Pittsburgh International Invention Exhibition INPEX®] Gold Award With new ingredients, new disinfection principles, and new disinfection effects, innovative disinfectants can instantly dissolve and kill various pathogens, viruses, bacteria, and fungi. No matter what type of DNA RNA is, whether it is mutated or not, it does not resist its dissolution and inactivation effect.
SARS, neocoronavirus, and influenza virus infect patients with important organs throughout the body, activate virus-infected cells through functional receptors, and produce and release excess pro-inflammatory factors, which can cause immune-mediated lung injury and other organ damage. As a result of systemic multiple organ failure, the patient died.
New Feiyue ™ spray emodin and its special formula in the disinfectant solution can kill all viruses and germs while suppressing the immune response that kills patients with organ failure, killing two birds with one stone. Xinfeiyue ™ spray disinfectant is used for influenza patients who have no effect on the vaccine and have developed the disease. Spray each with a disinfectant, then take a deep breath, and inhale the aerosol of the disinfectant into the trachea. And lungs, kill the flu virus, sore throat, nasal congestion, cough, respiratory obstruction, etc ...
Five minutes to start lifting. Outperform existing methods, with immediate results.
This product is suitable for preventers, contacts, and early to mid latency cases.
Critical patients should adopt comprehensive rescue measures!
contact us 海金湾新飞跃医药有限公司董事长 谭国樑2020-4-6
E-mail: dr.kltam@gmail.com Pho
[6楼]评论人:TKLT [布衣] [个人频道] [个人动态] 发送时间: 2020年04月07日 10:28:18 【回复】
5. At present, the drugs used to treat patients with viral diseases in various countries are inhibitors, and there are no drugs to kill viruses.
New Leap ™ Spraying Disinfect ant Main Ingredients from譚國樑 譚曉雯 譚曉睛
Patent certificateNO:ZL.2007 1 0031362.7、US 10,925B2、UP 2422793B1
Won the special gold award of China International Patent and Famous Brand Expo 2011 Won the 2013 [Pittsburgh International Invention Exhibition INPEX®] Gold Award With new ingredients, new disinfection principles, and new disinfection effects, innovative disinfectants can instantly dissolve and kill various pathogens, viruses, bacteria, and fungi. No matter what type of DNA RNA is, whether it is mutated or not, it does not resist its dissolution and inactivation effect.
SARS, neocoronavirus, and influenza virus infect patients with important organs throughout the body, activate virus-infected cells through functional receptors, and produce and release excess pro-inflammatory factors, which can cause immune-mediated lung injury and other organ damage. As a result of systemic multiple organ failure, the patient died.
New Feiyue ™ spray emodin and its special formula in the disinfectant solution can kill all viruses and germs while suppressing the immune response that kills patients with organ failure, killing two birds with one stone. Xinfeiyue ™ spray disinfectant is used for influenza patients who have no effect on the vaccine and have developed the disease. Spray each with a disinfectant, then take a deep breath, and inhale the aerosol of the disinfectant into the trachea. And lungs, kill the flu virus, sore throat, nasal congestion, cough, respiratory obstruction, etc ...
Five minutes to start lifting. Outperform existing methods, with immediate results.
This product is suitable for preventers, contacts, and early to mid latency cases.
Critical patients should adopt comprehensive rescue measures!
contact us 海金湾新飞跃医药有限公司董事长 谭国樑2020-4-6
E-mail: dr.kltam@gmail.com Pho
[5楼]评论人:剁吊老汪 [品衔R2☆] [个人频道] [个人动态] 发送时间: 2020年04月07日 10:26:51 【回复】
17  11  
[4楼]评论人:Wupengwu [♂☆品衔R3☆♂] [个人频道] [个人动态] 发送时间: 2020年04月07日 10:26:45 【回复】

[3楼]评论人:TKLT [布衣] [个人频道] [个人动态] 发送时间: 2020年04月07日 10:25:54 【回复】
Dedicated to people all over the world
Two months to end the epidemic
Group wipe out Epidemic & Group Immunity
Two weeks after the British announced the "closure of the city", Graham Medley, chairman of the British Scientific Pandemic Influenza Modeling Working Group, again referred to "group immunity" on April 4. According to the British "Sunday Times" report, Medley believes that the United Kingdom has been "in trouble" because of the closure of the city, and the government needs to reconsider "group immunization."
We strongly agree with "group immunization". But to add Group wipe out Epidemic
Group Extinguish Epidemic & Group Immunization.

New Leap ™ spraying disinfectant
Prevention treatment new coronavirus pneumonia
special effect new method
The right to apply our invention patents is given away free of charge to hospitals and government agencies in China, Britain, the United States and countries around the world who receive new coronavirus pneumonia patients to make {medical institution preparations},Used for prevention and treatment of new coronavirus pneumonia, group extermination, group immunity
There are many types of viral pneumonia, and biological variations can produce new species that can make vaccines less effective or ineffective. Once the disease develops, the vaccine is even more ineffective and is the main cause of the pandemic. Countermeasures1.n the place where the virus first invaded and propagated, the mucous membranes of the human nasal cavity, nasopharynx cavity, oral cavity, and larynx cavity can be sprayed with a virus killing disinfectant. 2. The air filter sterilizer installed in the public house has a built-in new Feiyue ™ spray disinfectant to kill various viruses and bacteria. 3. In public places, wear many masks sprayed with disinfectant on the outside. 4 The new coron
[2楼]评论人:TKLT [布衣] [个人频道] [个人动态] 发送时间: 2020年04月07日 10:23:54 【回复】
Dedicated to people all over the world
Two months to end the epidemic
Group wipe out Epidemic & Group Immunity
Two weeks after the British announced the "closure of the city", Graham Medley, chairman of the British Scientific Pandemic Influenza Modeling Working Group, again referred to "group immunity" on April 4. According to the British "Sunday Times" report, Medley believes that the United Kingdom has been "in trouble" because of the closure of the city, and the government needs to reconsider "group immunization."
We strongly agree with "group immunization". But to add Group wipe out Epidemic
Group Extinguish Epidemic & Group Immunization.

New Leap ™ spraying disinfectant
Prevention treatment new coronavirus pneumonia
special effect new method
The right to apply our invention patents is given away free of charge to hospitals and government agencies in China, Britain, the United States and countries around the world who receive new coronavirus pneumonia patients to make {medical institution preparations},Used for prevention and treatment of new coronavirus pneumonia, group extermination, group immunity
There are many types of viral pneumonia, and biological variations can produce new species that can make vaccines less effective or ineffective. Once the disease develops, the vaccine is even more ineffective and is the main cause of the pandemic. Countermeasures1.n the place where the virus first invaded and propagated, the mucous membranes of the human nasal cavity, nasopharynx cavity, oral cavity, and larynx cavity can be sprayed with a virus killing disinfectant. 2. The air filter sterilizer installed in the public house has a built-in new Feiyue ™ spray disinfectant to kill various viruses and bacteria. 3. In public places, wear many masks sprayed with disinfectant on the outside. 4 The new coron
[1楼]评论人:遇雨余于 [品衔R2☆] [个人频道] [个人动态] 发送时间: 2020年04月07日 10:16:06 【回复】
7  10  


本文热评:5评论:剁吊老汪[品衔R2☆] 04月07日 10:26:51 6赞 11踩 0评  》》》查看5楼点评详情

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