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评论人:今日雨果 [☆品衔R4☆] [个人频道] [个人动态] 发送时间: 2024年02月09日 8:28:01 【回复】
⚠️国际上不鸟土共的文艺体育人士很多的。 很多直接拒绝去大陆开演唱会演奏会表演。著名钢琴家Kissin就是一例。 他们根本不在乎。 小粉红的玻璃心又破了,这就是他们的目的。 某党要好好反思为啥国际金融中心变成遗址了。
❤️真正的伯乐如何培育幼苗🌱 Re: 国际上不鸟土共的文艺体育人士很多的。 很多直接拒绝去大陆开演唱会演奏会表演。-Cheng Yang
下面呃视频,就提到了Vladimir Spivakov是如何发现、培育Kissin,很感人。
Vladimir Spivakov «Because I love...» (Потому что я люблю...)
Vladimir Spivakov not only one of the greatest musicians of our time but also a great Humanitarian(人道主义者). Founder of The Vladimir Spivakov International Charity Foundation - Maestro Spivakov helps 🌱gifted children🌱 to study music, buys instruments, provides Master Classes and opportunity to perform. He runs an International Festival called Moscow Meet Friends where gifted children from all over the world come to Moscow and celebrate music, friendship, love and humanity. Charity Foundation also helps sick children and have saved life of many sick kids. Vladimir Spivakov and his famed orchestra Moscow Virtuosi will be on North American Tour in November 2010 and will make only one Canadian stop in Toronto on November 18, 2010.
The full lenghth of DVD called "Because I Love" will be sold during the concert and all the proceeds will be donated to Maestro Spivakov Charity Fundation.
★ Anna Savkina's Mentors (2012-10-27 07:17:47)
https://blog dot wenxuecity dot com/myblog/60665/201210/20312.html
Victor Universel Labo - VUL - 飞鸥实验室
V1.000.2024-02-04, 1989-06-04.
Nice, Côte d'Azur, France
"机关算尽太聪明,反误了卿卿性命" 🐠🐳
《红楼梦》 -曹雪芹
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评论人:berniceying [♀☆小丫头片子☆♀] [个人频道] [个人动态] 发送时间: 2024年02月09日 10:35:01 【回复】
评论人:Omeagego2003 [☆品衔R4☆] [个人频道] [个人动态] 发送时间: 2024年02月09日 9:47:43 【回复】
你不 bird me, I don't bird you. who 怕 who.


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